A Short Hike - Game Analysis
A Short Hike is an indie game developed by Adamgryu. The game has the player control a deep-blue bird named Claire. The goal of the game is to hike up to Hawk Peak, where Claire can receive cellphone reception for an incoming call. On her journey, Claire can find and help other hikers out, often receiving a reward that will make her trek easier. The game takes place at Hawk Peak Provincial Park, a mountain found on an island. This island has several regions within, simulating different biomes in North America.

The environment of the game takes on many different forms. The island holds all kinds of biomes; everything from grassy plains to a snowy taiga. It includes pine forests, deciduous creeks, and sandy beaches. All that is viewed through a pixilation filter and low-poly models. The default pixilation filter is “big and crunchy,” but it can be turned off in settings if it becomes an issue.

Claire moves through this environment by walking, running, swimming, and flying. The game rewards exploration, finding secrets and taking time to explore an area is what creates the experience. Putting out campfires or digging holes in strange rock circles are two examples. The game nudges the player to explore in certain directions by placing barriers, mostly cliffs, in the way, only passable by collecting Golden Feathers.

Characters litter the island, not all of them hikers. Dialogue with NPCs are unique, giving cute answers with lots of personality. Some NPCs’ will ask Claire of something, creating quests the Player can complete on their journey. The quests of NPC’s usually have you find an object, but minigames do exist. None of the quests found are extremely difficult. Most are simple and not meant to take away from the relaxing and casual experience of the game.

The dialogue between Claire and NPC’s is cute and humorous, and something I wouldn’t want to miss. Speaking with most NPC’s usually leads up to three different dialogues, with the last one repeating afterward.

There are quite a lot of objects in the game. After picking up an object, it can be found in Claire’s inventory. Some objects are found around the island, and other can only be obtained from the NPCs. Items can be found in chests as well. Sticks and Shells, items required to complete two different quests, can be found across the entire island and are not specific to any one location. Other items only have one purpose in a quest. The shell necklace is an item delivered to Claire’s Aunt May, who is not much farther away from where the necklace is given.

The most important items to have are Golden Feathers, which are necessary for completing the game. At least 7 Golden Feathers are needed to climb the last stretch of Hawk Peak, and only 20 exist in the game. Each Golden Feather allows the player to flap their wings once, climb a certain distance, and run at a higher speed for a certain time. Used Golden Feathers will be able to recharge when the player is standing still or walking at the default speed. These feathers can be found in golden chests and on cliffsides, but most are given as a reward for completing an NPC’s quest.